Goal: To develop an attractive riverfront Cultural Arts Retaill and Hospitality Center, married with Professional Research environment, and luxury Condo Housing offering:
(1) Seven levels (L1/L2-Parking, L3-Retail, L4-Office, L5/L6/L7-Condo occupying 190,400 sqft of space;
(2) L1/L2 - Parking for 320 vehicles and utilities (15,000 sqft)
(3) L3 - Retail space (33,400 sqft with three 5,400 sqft/six 2,700 sqft);
(4) L4 - Office space (33,400 sqft with four 5,400 sqft/four 2,700 sqft);
(5) L5/L6/L7 72 luxury condos on three levels (24 units per floor with 1,200 sqft/ unit;
(6) Atrium design with interior and exterior balconies;
(7) Four elevators to all levels, limited access to condo area;
(8) 20 ft Broadwalks at retail level overlooking the Ohio River streetscape with retailer access to the broadwalk;
(9) Waterfront streetscape, road, retaining wall and dock infrastructure development; |